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Insurance help, in need of good garage in Hertfordshire


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Hi everyone,

I am looking for some help with taking my 2008 impreza back on the road.

Had an accident a week ago and gave away my car for it to be repaired by the insurance company.

Not long ago I got a call from the garage it was taken to saying the repair price is £4700 and might go up...

Apparently the radiator and "conditioner" has been damaged.

Do you think it is a realistic price for a repair? As it is 3/4 of the actual cars price...

I'm afraid I will loose my car. What should I do in this situation? Can I take it to a garage of my choice? Is there any good garages in Hertfordshire?

Would really appreciate any help.

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Hi mate I'd have a word with Dan from adrian Flux or clubs insurance. I appreciate you're not with the same company well hopefully not :D but would know more than us and I'm sure would be able to advise far better than us without incriminating anyone :D But if you have rear ended someone else chances are no insurance will help you I'm afraid to say it does depend on the way the crash happened witnesses and so on.


his profile is here but he might reply direct with you


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