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Spluttering Impreza *help please*

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Hi guys 

recently jumped into the scooby scene with a wagon 2.0R 2006 impreza hawkeye. The car was perfect when I purchased it but after a month or so the car would splutter / hesitate below 3500rpm (absolutely no problem once revved out) I then decided to change the spark plugs, oil, Battery and air + oil filter. This fixed the problem for a couple of days but now the problem is back ! The car has done 126,000 so that may be a part of why but its really noticeable, almost like when you put your foot on the accelerator there is a delay and it splutters and slowly rises until sorting itself out. Im stuck in what to do !!!!! PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!! fuel filter ? coils ? timing ?


Any advice would be a great help guys ! Cheers Matt 

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Is it like a lag in response from accelerator and the revs going up?, I had a  similar problem on my r sport, cleaned the maf sensor and it's been fine since, I would accelerate and the rev counter would almost stutter at 2/3k revs then take off, let us know how u fix this.

Let's see a pic of your wagon bud 

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