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E25 Legacy Outback 1997…..does Imobiliser need paired ECU


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Hi All

I hope someone out there can help me please 🙏 

I have a Subaru powered kit car with a problem…….

Basically after the E25 engine install, it ran for approximately 1000 miles without issue, the engine had been refurbished, it’s a VW bAsed kit so uses the Beetle ignition barrel , But now it starts you can rev it up then it dies, changed fuel pump, and MAF and still same problem, I thought I had found the problem when I located the Subaru (siemens) IMobiliser because upon closer inspection I.e. I removed the plug and discovered that a few of the pins had heavy corrosion and 2 had even snapped and ended up stuck in the plug, yeah I thought, problem solved especially before this I discovered that the engine would fire up for 1 or 2 seconds then no more spark at the plugs, so I thought the immobiliser must be the problem, shutting off the spark….so i purchased a good 2nd hand replacement, it’s the Subaru 88205 AC010 5WK4 690 , fitted it thinking job done but unfortunately it’s still doing same thing, ….does anyone know if I need to go into the ECU and re~Pair up the new immobiliser, or has anyone out there suffered similar issues with a similar year legacy or outback? I am waiting Ona mobile auto electrician coming with a laptop and a reader but just thought I would ask here in the hope that this problem rings a bell with someone.



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