Further to the Subaru Toolbox fiasco.
The company that provides Subaru`s updates is Naviextras from Budapest. I managed to get an email address for them and complained. The gist of their reply is that an update marketed as 2017/2018 refers only to its date of publication by Naviextras not the date of the information, which dates to 2016. The download freezing at 72% is a known fault but doesn`t affect the update. They do not produce maps themselves but rely on info from another company called Mapcreator which they implied hadn`t given them the latest info. However, I checked t!he Mapcreator site it is fully up to date, so the fault is not down to them. .
I told them that they were deliberately misleading customers and demanded a refund. Why, I asked would I want to buy an update from 2016 for a car bought the same year? They are `considering` a refund...............
Meanwhile my old stick-on-the-windscreen Garmin satnav from my previous car has been updated for free from my computer and shows all the new roads etc. Bought from Halfords years ago for less than the price of a Naviextras update.
It`s a shame, I really like the car but Subaru`s satnav prevents me from giving much of a recommendation to those who ask if I`m happy with it. Now, the thought occurs....... if Subaru considers they can fit Christmas cracker equipment that`s right in front of you, does the same philosophy extend to components that you cannot see?