Hello all,
I was wondering if you could help me diagnose a problem.
So recently I've been having trouble starting the car, the key is turned, ignition on, radio turns on, sub turns on, dash lights up; I push disable the immobiliser and turn the key: *nada*.
1 of three things will happen:
1. Nothing at all, everything (excluding sub) turns off, no clicks, no nothing just the faint plees of myself: "please, not now"
2. everything in 1 happens except there is a fairly high pitched buzzing sound then a loud click/clunk, then nothing happens.
3. the car starts normally, albeit 2-3seconds of whirring before the engine comes to life
I have tried to establish whether it is related to weather, but warm (12celcius +) or cold (<0celcius) means nothing to this problem.
The only thing I can think of is it is just due to the way the position the motor internals stopped in but if I turn the car off and immediately turn it back on it starts up every time guaranteed.
If I sit in the car and repeat the following steps like a while loop:
while (Started == false){
disable immobiliser
pause 2 seconds
turn key
if (engine.isEnabled == true){
Started = true
else {
turn key back
Eventually it will start, this could take 30 seconds, it could take 3minutes. I believe my frustrated truffle shuffle helps, but that could just be a coincidence.
All the other electricals work, if I turn the interior light on and blast some dubstep there is no dip in illumination.
It's only done 55,000 miles, would anyone have a scooby as to why?