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Andrew Dodd

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Everything posted by Andrew Dodd

  1. Any ideas welcomed- 119,000 miles VGC and well maintained vehicle but auto selelctor has begun to stick and unable to selelct R/P from DN - seems to happen on an incline- mmaged to move it when on the flat and lifting the gear selector slighly. Full fluid levels but appearing in need of fluid change as not red any more - might this sort or is she a gonner ?
  2. Hi I have same model 2007 H6 3 L and like yours at exactly 115K and the Y pipe to rear boxes has finally gone- saw your recommendation of guy in skipton/ keighly- did this work out well for you and is he still around?
  3. how do you turn off rear parking sensors- I need to fit a tow bar bike rack and assume I need to de activate the sensors ?
  4. did you find a switch?- I am about to fit a bike carrier rack and need to switch them off ?
  5. By links to where to get a new key and fob at reasonable price appreciated
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