Hello new member and new to Subaru. I have had my 2010 Forester SH petrol now for 6 months now and loving it. It is my first sensible car I've had. Put in new head unit in and sorting out the styling (de-chroming mainly). Put in some mods for car camping. The only thing I don't like about the motor is the armrest. So here is my question I have looked into it quite alot. Subaru do not list any armrest extentions for it. But I have seen that subaru do two extentions for the Impreza, the cantilever one and the dual box one. Now I am convinced that my centre console is the same as some of the 2008-2015 Impreza. Does anyone have either of these fitted to their cars? Any help, info, pictures, dimensions would be great. Or even anyone local and would be willing for me to pop over to have a test fit, and would sort them out a drink. Thanks Sam