Savage bulldog .
This car has had drivetrain , ECU , suspension , bracks , strut braces , wishbones , bonnet lightweight , boot lightweight , alloy wheels are the lightest ones available , he said something about having a upgraded radiator and cooling system done . Interior is in brand-new condition but driver has racing seat installed I think he said it has stupid amount of sensors that all feed into a display and also record readings for analysing the cars performance on a track .
Basically the owner and a group of his friends including my brother in-law and a few extremely rich people at least twice a year ship 20 cars on a container ship to race tracks around the world that they rent out privately for at least 3 days at a time . They met Andy forrest at some race event and he advised my friend about building a 400bhp scooby that Forrest owned personally himself at the time . My friend did all the work needed to run a 2.5l WRX STI at 400bhp in the 1995 bodywork then got scooby clinic to forge the engine ( presume after reading this thread it was because they have more experience that Forrest )
He only drove 300 mile with the ECU set to breaking in mode before his life went sideways , he has refuse to sell the car for 7 years ( not been able to have it on the road as not been in the financial position to do so ) he has stored it and maintained it . He has agreed to allow a mechanic of my choice to have the car in to confirm everything he claims before I need to pay him , he also claims to have the receipts for all if not the vast majority of work , he said the engine forge , drivetrain and ECU receipts he has them on hand .
I know he has spent £25-30k building this car which yes not seen all the receipts but I have family members and friends that race with this group of people and everyone confirms it .