🤘Hi im new to this forum, new to owning a Subaru. first off i love it its got characteristics like no other car ive owned i love it although it is already starting to feel slow. So i would like your advice on the best places to start for power and what order its most economical to do it in, cant just go throwing any old part on im aware of that would like to get a safe reliable 280-300bhp before i start looking down the upgraded turbo route cars currently standard other than BOV and full decat stainless system (bought it with these) it has the 3inch system is a 2.5inch system something i should be looking at for more torque out of the engine (friend advised me on this) any information/input welcome
oil temp, oil pressure gauges hard to fit?
injectors what cc is the best upgrade ?
does fuel rail/pump need upgrading ?
worth upgrading to 10mm ignition leads iridium plugs?
also does anyone know a reputable gearbox re conditioner or would you suggest just gambling on buying a box as she has a grind into 4th when giving her death
is a electronic boost controller worth the gamble? or not worth it until turbo upgrade?
best time for remap ? (after fitting what parts?)
turbo timer worth it?
im very mechanically sympathetic to my car i take every precaution i can to ensure its cooled down / warmed up and cared for. Already fully serviced only had her 4 days so last thing i want is to be damaging my engine by fitting upgrades that the engine and ecu wont benefit from
Im eager to learn a lot more about these engine help me out
thank you to anyone who responds 👍