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    Impreza WRX

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  1. Morning all, So i am after an engine specialist within the lincolnshire area (can travel if need be). Seems like my head gasket on 2.5l hawk wrx has gone 😞 coolant is most definitely contaminated with oil and it is overheating very quickly. I have tried Scoobyworld but they arnt taking on any large jobs in the near future due to Covid etc so im hoping someone out there is available! Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Ta. Ant
  2. Good evening all, So Friday afternoon, minding my own business and driving down a country lane in the middle of nowhere, a little bird thought it be wise to conduct himself (or herself) in a manner i found utterly unacceptable. Before i even had the chance to blink a puff of feathers almost exploded into the air! After almost coming to a stop and checking my surroundings said bird was nowhere to be seen. I believed at this point said bird was now attempting to nest within my engine bay so i thought i better get out and take a look. So i was not to happy about what i saw - especially as the bird decided to leave just one feather and go on his merry little way. I am now stuck with the most ugly and soul destroying grill at the front which i cant seem to pull back into place!!! I have tried attaching several cable ties to pull it back but its not budging. I'm actually now deficient approximately 12 cable ties thanks to this bird. Someone help how do i fix this?! P.s if anyone does see or hear from said bird ask for insurance details!
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