Hi All,
Just joined and am looking for some help! I own a standard 2004 Impreza GX , had her for 9 yrs now and love her to bits! She has 117k on the clock.
I`m having a problem, and am looking for some advice if I may!
Started out of the blue, increase in engine temp when doing 70mph + on the motorway, not in the red, but not far off! Turned the heaters on full and she cooled back down. Other day the temp shot up within mins to just over halfway just travelling up to 30 mph in town on a short 6 mile journey to work. Parked at work for around 1.5 hrs put key in, didnt turn on ignition and temp went straight to first mark. Didnt do this again after and ran at normal temp round town ( I am a community NHS worker, so out and about all day stop starting).
Had temp gauge changed, still same prob on motorway, fine round town.
Not using any water, no leaks visable, oils fine. Rad cap checked, no gunge so next steps........check for blockage in rad, if not that could the water pump be failing and isnt able to pump enough water round to cool the engine at speed?!
Anyone had any experience with this or have any thoughts please? Mechanic is certain headgasket is fine.
Many thanks in advance!