when I test drove the car it would crunch when I put it into 3rd but not if I was shifting slowly and deliberately. The salesman said he had driven it and it was fine, so I thought it may just be my style of driving?
At the same time the front left wheel was out of balance (possibly due to a new tyre being fitted on that corner) and the steering felt ‘odd’. The salesman said the steering might feel different to normal because it was a 4x4!
As it came with a months warranty I thought I would take it home, pay for the wheels to be balanced and get on with life.
i didn’t mention the shifting issue to my wife. She took the car out and when she came back, said it was tricky to get into 3rd so I knew that had to be fixed.
long story short, the car lot either refurbished or replaced the gear box and it’s spot on
The rest of the saga is above
when I called them yesterday they were telling me that I should have taken out the extended warranty and that things wear out on old cars. They said I would need to take it back to them to take to one of their mechanics, it could be a couple of weeks and they don’t have a curtesy car available
They tried to put me off and made it awkward to get it looked at but I managed to work around them and got a date booked.
my concern is that they will claim there is no fault. With what has been diagnosed, there is no visible damage to the rack and a generic reader would not pick up on the fault code.
From my experience with the car lot so far, they keep their ‘eyes on the penny’s’ and will be in no rush to take it to Subaru for a diagnostic at £100 an hour never mind £1200 to fit a new rack.
‘Shady’ might not be a fair term to use but what ever the outcome I’ll not be buying a car from them again
so far it’s been hard work dealing with them