No way am I put off yet I’m still chasing the dream peoples. when I originally posted this topic I didnt really have much to afford the subaru that I had seen I was too dumb at that point to think I could afford it unfortunately the 2.0 hawkeye sti jdm has been sold now however I have been saving all money since and should have enough in a few months to buy one if i can find another clean subaru for sale. fuel consumption is still a concern as I just cant seem to get a straight answer off anyone of how much it would cost on fuel weekly based off of 10k miles a year.however if based off of what jessie james has said in response to my topic that I’d be looking at around £60 a week on a 10k miles a year that sounds ok as I shouldnt have a problem affording that however I have been getting mixed answers to some people saying around £60 to £80 a (day) which seems way too high. Also I dont know anything about subaru maintenance and how much that would cost so if you could shed some light on that that would be great.