Yesterday (Sat 7 August) I was driving through torrential rain in heavy traffic on the A34 near Whitchurch, in the outside lane at a steady 65 mph or so, when there was a loud bang and the enine stopped working. Long story short ( police tow, huge tailback, major RAC inefficiencies, 9 hour wait till they eventually arranged a taxi, having promised a recovery truck after 3 hours, still waiting at homeon Sunday for car to be brouht here), RAC diagnosed cambelt failure. All the electrics are working, but there is just a whine when you try to start engine - I suppose the crank is turning but no valve activity or compression.
I imagine this is going to involve major work and expense. Yesterday lunchtime the car had a value of, say £1200 - £1500 (?). What would people advise? - Pay whatever it takes to get it fixed? Sell for spares, repairs, scrap? Some other option...?
I'm in my mid seventies with diminishing physical dexterity, so couldn't contemplate doing the work myself. Perhaps there might be a Subaru enthusiast who would find it a useful and interesting project....? Car was in excellent running order before the incident, couple of small bodywork scrapes (inflicted by other vehicles while parked), but overall I imagined using it for years to come ('see me out' ).
I'd be pleased to hear pople's ideas..... Stewart (07867 582938)