Thanks for the extensive reply. I appreciate you taking the time to give me advice. I know the car has a bit of a history of overheating, the guy who sold me it was very honest. Im hopefully getting more info on the replacement engine today.
I worked my way around all the cooling related hoses, a few were blocked. Took the radiator out and that ran clear when flushed. When the engine is running, now that I've unblocked the hose from the coolant filler to the header tank I get constant bubbling in the filler. Ive taken a video below.
Judging by the advice received here I am almost certain the head gasket has gone. The water is cold when bubbling, and as you said it's more likely for exhaust gasses to be released through the coolant that water getting into the cylinder.
The new engine has 30,000 miles on it and would give me the peace of mind required, all for the same price quoted for getting the head gasket and associated bits and bobs done. Plus ill have a spare engine for parts.