Hi Mick
Just been enjoying the mod - now in a position to give a bit more details on the changes that the 340r pack brings to the driver.
First of the all the new pipes on the exhaust look great, a bit bigger, they protrude out of the rear spoiler slightly more which looks a lot more purposeful. Also they have stainless steel like gauze affect inside which looks great.
When you fire the car up the new noise is instantly noticeable, a bit louder but a lot deeper and lots more burble - instant smile when i first started the car after the mods were completed, lovely deep burble that gets louder with the revs, but too loud or over the top - wonderfully enhancing that boxer noise.
So part one of the mod - awesome! Happy. :)
OK to the remap which promises 40 more BHP and 20% more torque
The word that comes to mind is "smooth" - the previous turbo lag has almost been tuned away - the power is available far lower in the rev band than the previous 3500rpm +
The big pause before the push of the turbo is gone, the feeling of torque from low down is awesome and the car just pulls like a train all the way through and seems to climb through the revs quicker, due to the smoothness an eye has to be kept on the MPH dial as the speed accumulates oh so quick.
And this is the same at low speed, its just jumps away when you push hard on the throttle, over taking is even more effortless as you dont have to time the revs/gears as much - it just pulls like a train.
Also i have noticed, although never been that important but nice to have is that the fuel doesn't seem to go down as fast - again this was promised and seem to have improved the MPG.
Overall. i love the changes, a worthwhile upgrade, the noise is fantastic, the smooth power delivery fantastic and it is so much more fun not having to wait for the turbo to come in.
I do whole heartedly recommend it, the car feels a lot faster and a lot smoother.