As the title realy but ill give you a bit more info any input from people would be good.
About a week ago I noticed what sounded like a rattling type noise I thought heat shield was lose. Well looked last night and it is but now I have sorted that I can hear a klicking/tapping noise near the turbo. I have had an engine before that had engine knock ina scooby I hot for the shelk so I know what it sounds like when its bad. Not to sure if this is the start of it.
Conected up the fault code plugs under the dash and got 3 faults.
13 cam shaft position sensor.
22 knock sensor
23 MAF sensor
Got the cam covers of last night and they look like there aligned ok hard to see in dark and will make sure when home but 99% on them. I think it might be when I went on holiday I disconected the sensor incase anyone tried to nick the car and then I forgot and tried starting it so might be old fault. I have a second hand one I will try in it to see if its that.
MAF is the factory standard on and I hear that they do die. Anyone know if you can test them with a multi meter googled it but could find anything. I have someone who might have the same on his car so will loan it to me to test.
Now the nock sensor is a worry soi have a spair I wilk try as well.
One problem is when clearing the fault codes
Ignition off
4 conectors
Ignition one but not started
Throatal all way half way and light should come on
Drive wait for light to flash
Stop disconect and done
When I conect them and turn ignition on the light cones on stright away I do the throatl thing and then start the car it goes off and does flash about a min l8er so looks like it has worked but I stip the car and faults r still there. Now the cam shaft one I had once before because I disconected it and im sure that cleared fine. Now it wont. So it makes me thinm the codes wont clear.
When driving the car normal check engine light is off.
Tapping get quieter when car is hotter load when stone cold
Disconected battery last night and left it off to see if it wilk clear the codes.
I know with the 99 clasics some people say there obd2 but my code reader wont see it my usb code reader wont and I have a vagcom usb I have tried with ssm software and that wont so have given up trying to conect to it.
Any thoughts anyone
Btw car is impreza 99 front mount 3inch exhaust dump valve and induction kit fitted
Thanks all