it looks good and straight. it was an old man that had it and gave it to a boy here and he changed the brakes and didn't want it, so I took it for taking the dogs out and going fishing
just fixed the airbag light. had to reloom the wires to the passenger seat. it looked like rats had been eating the loom it was bad.
see when I use this Bluetooth scanner to my phone, do I have to connect the connectors that test the car also?
Just looking at this car of mine I see my back end is sitting lower than the front?
Is this how the sit? And I see its a different set up than normal suspension
Oh right. Sorry Medication I'm on makes me a bit slow. That's my excuses and I am sticking with it. Lol
Ye looks like engine oil. Poss coming up through a breather pipe. But not sure why