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  • Location:
    Chesterfield, United Kingdom
  • Subaru Model
    Impreza UK turbo 2000 98'

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  1. Yeah it's seems that way. Well it's worth a shot anyway, I never did have super high hopes for it but who knows. Pot luck at the end of the day whether I do or don't
  2. Hmm, I'll keep that in mind, could be a good option at the time, thank you didn't know about the lack of earning no claims on a classic policy. Well the more you know!
  3. Thanks for the advice! Definitely gonna shop about when the time comes, who knows. Might strike a crazy low premium at the time I do it, may be the opposite but I will have to wait and see later this year what's going on with it all. I haven't got any bills to pay and I don't have to pay any board, so all the money I earn is in my pocket. I'm shooting for about 24 hours a week at least which will give me around 900 a month. I can afford anything up until 4.5k for insurance on that wage and still comfortably afford the fuel, service, road tax, etc. Glad to get some actually solid info for once, thank you
  4. Yeah funnily enough, turbos are cheaper on most quotes for whatever reason, no idea why. Surprisingly some specific WRX classics are cheaper than standard turbos when I quoted, others were more. More unsurprisingly STi classics are the most expensive. It doesn't make much sense and I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be the case ringing up but I can't seen as I havent got one yet. But that's why I'm going for turbo especially since it would be cheaper to get a quote on one and follow it up with the insurer on a turbo, so why go non turbo if its cheaper or same price for turbo if you get me?
  5. Thank you, I literally do just that! with the autotrader reg plates and checking how much they would be lol. "no amount of training or intense courses will prep you for how people behave on the road" my mum says the exact same, the amount of accidents I've nearly been in from other people driving in silly ways is endless. I say nearly and only because Im overly cautious on the road for stuff like that, almost too aware or other road users! I'm not scared of it, but I just don't want to deal with the insurance and stuff that comes with it. Then I'll have no chance at a scoob... Not heard about direct line being off insurance comparison sites, I'll give them a try when I come to do it. As for mods and such, once I've got the car I won't really mind cause I'm sure it'll be plenty an upgrade from a 1.6T diesel DS3, that can wait once I have the car. If it proves unobtainable becuase no one will insure me, I can definitely wait If I need to, it would just be nice to get one as soon as I can really, you know?
  6. Thank you for the in-depth response! Yeah, we worked out a rough cost at the main bits to get it road worthy and its way into four figures. It's not too bad an idea with spending a little and getting it to scoobyclinic to see whats actually wrong. My dad got his engine forged and mapped there so hopefully it shouldn't be too much of a ballache as he should be able to help out with sorting that. I've had comparison sites fluctuate anything from 11k all the way down to less than 3k, even with the same policy details, so fingers crossed nearer the time we will see. even if I need to call about then I will, it's worth a look! I haven't got super high hopes but If i can find one that will, then I'll be willing to pay the increased premiums. sorry to hear about your accident, at least everyone involved was okay! as for driving experience, I completely agree and I have already considered some driving experiences/tuition type deals cause the last thing I want to do is end up binning my pride and joy or worse, injuring myself or others from being an inexperienced idiot. My parents won't let me be silly with it so I'll definitely take a performance driving course. All the experience I can get before I get one.
  7. Nothing I'd just really love to get one before then. I can wait if I absolutely need to but i'd love to have one before I have to pay for stuff like my own house and things, and cause it's just a dream of mine to get one
  8. Hey all! not exactly sure how to word this, and I am sure this has been asked before but I need a general idea as to how this could go. if you want to skip straight to my question, skip to paragraph 3 and read from there. I know we all don't have 24/7 to read a teenagers post lol. 1. I am 19 currently, and have a UK turbo 2000 wagon. I haven't been able to drive it as it was given to me as a gift from my parents after my dad got his Hawkeye STi Spec D, but I was 16 at the time and none of us had the time or money to keep it healthy until I could afford to insure it. I have spoke to both parents about my idea, mum said she is fine with me having a turbo wagon, so much so saying that she will help towards the insurance as it has been a dream of mine to have one ever since my dad got the wagon initially. My dad is a bit more hesitant, saying I should wait a couple years until I'm over 21 at least, but I just can't wait that long! They both trust me behind the wheel enough to want to help me so that gives me some hope. We will strip the current wagon down and then use some of the good parts on it for my new one I will buy, and then make some money from the other parts to help towards the costs of the new Scoob. 2. I'm so set on Subaru cause I don't want a fiesta ST or Corsa/Astra VXR or something like that. I see too many, all with the same silly mods and I wanna be different. The AWD, sound, and character of a Subie is something nothing else can provide. 3. I have seen so many 19-21 year olds in the UK asking to pay less than 2300 for insurance on a WRX, let alone a UK turbo 2000 Impreza (Which I want as they are cheapest on insurance for the performance) but I know that that just isn't realistic. I would be willing to pay between 4k on insurance, 5k at max, including the 100 pound a month or so help from my mum. Anything less is a bonus. Is this feasible at all? especially If my mum on as a name driver. I've had my license a year and I will have at least 1 years no claims when I come to buy one later this year. 4. I want no silly answers about how I'm young and irresponsible and its a silly decision, because most older people I've seen on these forums think that if you are under 25 with a car that has an engine larger than a 1.4 NA then you're instantly going to wrap it round a tree and I'm frankly sick of it! Genuine help would be much appreciated, and if any of you are younger and have achieved what I seek to do, then please let me know how much you are paying, and general policy specifications (e.g. mileage, named drivers, location, turbo or non turbo, etc). Thanks a million, Luke
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