Hi guys. I live near a Subaru owner. Every day, morning and night, he spends approx 5 minutes sat in his car with the engine running. As you all know, the vibration generated from a Subaru is quite intense within nearby properties. I have just been to see the young lad, aged about 23, and asked him politely if he would show a little consideration to his neighbours and not sit there with it running.
His reply was that he needed to sit there for 5 minutes to warm the engine and also that he had paid his road tax. I then asked if he had to warm it up when he was parking up on a night as he does the same 5 minutes then.
I'm a long distance lorry driver and I start early in the morning which, in turn, means I am often in bed quite early.
I realise that he is a young boy racer type and his car means the world to him, but surely, 5 minutes to get the engine warm seems quite excessive.