The other day I lost all action in my clutch pedal and the car became very difficult to drive ending up going between 1st and 2nd alot, and there was some white smoke that smelt like brake fluid. Through this we where able to determine the actual clutch was the issue and the slave cylinder had gone to heaven. However after taking the airbox off we noticed some fluid around the clutch hose so we replaced that as well as the slave cylinder I tired manually bleeding for a day and a half yet no progress was made. Then tried a pneumatic bleeder and managed to get the clutch pedal to the point where it would drop to halfway and then become quite difficult to push the rest of the way, after starting the car up it lost all progress made and can no longer push the clutch fork rod in. I should note I will be trying a new master cylinder once that becomes available in my area. and there is fluid in the boot of the new slave cylinder.