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Posts posted by Jason

  1. Thanks Gambit for all your help and advice, and I will take it down the repair route as I think it is well worth it just for the grin factor alone....I will keep you all posted on cost and work done, forged internals etc as I do mean to spend some cash on it...wish me luck as I delve into to the know "repair" world of owning a Subaru after only 1 week lol.....I have to laugh or ill cry :(

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  2. Hi all....I thought I would risk giving my son a lift home tonight and yes you guessed it......bang and the most horrible noise of metal on metal I have ever heard, screeching, I pulled over and stopped...I was only 5 mins a way and managed to limp home....I would say the engine is toast and the previous owner knew...my dilemma is I have only had the car a week but in that week I have NEVER had so much fun in a car in my life and I am 40, so I want it fixed....does anyone know roughly how much it would cost.....thanks Jase

  3. Hi guys, thanks for your replies, just an update, The knocking noise is very random, and is more of a loud tapping very intermittent, a quick rev and its quiet, but then it comes back, no more fuel smell after backing off the bov, oil light on at idle but oil is black and thin so new oil and filter tomorrow, no over heating and no smoke....any ideas would be greatly appreciated....Thanks all...Jase

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