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l1nk1n_p4rk_01 last won the day on May 16 2022

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    impreza wrx300 bugeye

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  1. Thanks. I will get some new bulbs. Got a voucher for halfords so have to have a look. I can't decide If I should put some standard lights back In or not. It looks nice but poor thing has some battle scares. And a small oil leak I need to get sorted.
  2. thought id start a thread to keep a record, my son has plans lol. not all of them will happen ( i like the wheels he wants concave) just to see where i can go with restoring the car. it has welding, it needs more, a leaky boot and blow on the exhaust, rear roll bar bushes, one alloy has a kerb ding just to start the job list. some stuff has been done. correct me if i am wrong never owned a turbo before so its all new. according to previous owner it has a bailey dump valve, stainless headers and stainless decat exhaust ( hks?), adjustable suspension, pro drive inter cooler, boost gauge and a few other red bits. a previous owner was a pilot at raf lakenheath so he said. i can go out in the dark yet the headlights were like candles and it was pretty hairy, suggestions for new bulbs/hids? excuse the camera work thanks all
  3. turns out i answered myself, the roads are pretty rough when i live and they had jumped the + terminal loose. tightened up started straight away. all good
  4. hi all got in to move parking spots yesterday and dash lights came on turned the key then all off now not coming on. the speakers were not all working so i had a look behind the radio the day before lots of chocolate blocks in there so left alone for time being now this. i did notice the battery clamps are a little loose and it did rain yesterday. shall i charge it up and it be ok? thanks
  5. Out shopping Friday. Black imprzea wrx in the same car park. Then about 30 mins later one went by while sat in costa drive through. Dark blue think n reg. Forgive me I am not up to speed on the different models. But I am doing my reading. Also saw a latest shape hatch back in weldon this week. Everytime I buy a new car they are everywhere lol
  6. hi all, just bought a 2001 green impreza wrx locally and the seller mention the s.o.c so thought id better join. needs a few jobs doing so look forward to finding out about the workings of a iconic car.
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