@Lpgc Hello all sorry I'm a newbie here
A month ago I have bought a subaru H6 3.0 from 2004 in amazing condition and i had the head gasket, chain and water pump and petrol pump all completely replaced. It also has an LPG system fitted
When I took it for a long drive the other day I filled up with LPG at the same station as I always do, anyway I also had more than half a tank of petrol, I noticed that when I was driving on gas the petrol was also going down? Is that normal I was led to believe that on LPG it would either run only on LPG or on petrol, not both together. anyway, 400 km later the gas finished and so did nearly half a tank of petrol .. no smell of petrol in the car at all or any sign of leaks
Any advice more than welcome