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    Subaru Impreza STi

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  1. Coolio :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Steve http://www.facebook.com/fctuning
  2. Let me know the exact year of the car. Cheers dude Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Steve http://www.facebook.com/fctuning
  3. Let me know the JECs code number on the side of the MAF and I'll see if I can pin one down. Or better still take a pic and post it Cheers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Steve http://www.facebook.com/fctuning
  4. That's what we do in house as it's an essential test prior to any tuning. It's part of our Dyno precheck. We have special tools for this along with compressor and airline to put upto nearly 2bar in the system to check boost properly. Something that's literally impossible to do whilst the engine is stationary and not running Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Steve http://www.facebook.com/fctuning
  5. Re ground any MAF wires and do a continuity test If it's MAF then should be fairly straight forward to sort :). U could even rewire it completely back to the ECU directly as its only a few sites - 4 from memory Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Steve http://www.facebook.com/fctuning
  6. You need to pressurise the system properly with correct tools etc to ensure you have no boost/vacuum leaks sir. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Steve http://www.facebook.com/fctuning
  7. When you mentioned you checked for leaks, how much pressure did you put through the system ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Steve http://www.facebook.com/fctuning
  8. Cheers Gambit. Ill get on the case today / tomorrow
  9. OK.. ill have to give him a shout to see whats new. I know he had been making plans for this around a year ago but to be honest I couldn't wait as I had customers keep to get tuned. as for your other ECU losing the tune thats usual down to permanent live feeds being lost. A loom issue perhaps ?
  10. Is ESL available for the version 5 yet? Early last year we were looking for for Andys developments on the programmable daughter boards. Most recently with version 5 stuff we Haltech it You can see pics of some ecus going on a subaru on my Facebook page post a night a go. I provide a plug n play solution which gives a heap of features. OpenECU/ECUTEK tuning on the version 5 Jecs ECU I've found unstable :( Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Steve http://www.facebook.com/fctuning
  11. Coolio I'll gather some pics of what's been going on to date Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Steve http://www.facebook.com/fctuning
  12. Interesting. What was the issue.? Just curious ESL I also fit and tune with for reference. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Steve http://www.facebook.com/fctuning
  13. How did you check for air leaks? Also the initial cut you felt for a second could be OEM fuel cut This is common on all Jap cars with extensive breathing miss that experience cooler damp n denser air charge If it misses continually it could be plug/lead/coil issue Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Steve http://www.facebook.com/fctuning
  14. Cheers TidgySent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Steve http://www.facebook.com/fctuning
  15. Hehe You weren't wrong there :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Steve http://www.facebook.com/fctuning
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