I have had a very strange symptom on starting for the last 6 months or so. I may have hit on symptoms connected with this problem on previous posts. I have solved most of them with alternator, battery and inhibitor switch replacement but I now find that the single and weirdest problem still exists.I would appreciate a second opinion on this.
Symptom: Stop car after driving(faultlessly) and "sometimes" the whole car will go dead. Nothing. No clock, interior lights, horn. Zilch. The main bus-bar is effectively cut before the very first circuits. Its akin to disconnecting the battery at either terminal. IT HAS to be a disconnection rather than a sinking of current as no protective devices blow. HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN.
I am a very qualified and experienced electrical/electronics engineer and have all schematics at hand. I have changed all but the ignition barrel and traced all wiring from battery to sub-assemblies and can find no obvious reasons for these symptoms.
I have contacted the chief technical chap at Scorpion(sigma) who didnt have the decency to even acknowledge, never mind give suggestions, and Subaru are clowns.
I need a rocket scientist.
Any takers...