Orange DPF light flashing on dash = Oil dilution >10% = change engine oil with fresh oil (too much Diesel in the Engine oil increases Engine wear
Solid Orange DPF light on dash = Blocked DPF and car will go into limp mode = forced regen or DPF wash / clean out = best to get a mechanic to do this unless you know what you are doing.
Tip - change engine oil every 5000Km and RESET the Oil Dilution monitor to zero (search online how to reset) Learn how to do this yourself. Its easy.
Tip 2 - Every 10,000, remove pressure hose on DPF and inject DPF cleaner directly into DPF and then go for a highway drive for 30 mins - buy injectible DPF cleaner eg Pentrite P26 cleaner from Auto shop - follow instructions exactly on the can.
Tip 3 - Add DPF Cleaner eg Penrite Enviro DPF Cleaner to a full tank of fuel every 5000Km
Tip 4 - Buy a cheap OBD2 reader and down load a car scanner app eg Car Scanner Pro onto your phone to monitor DPF soot build up and Oil Dilution % - search Youtube to learn how this works
Tip 5 - If you are not doing regular HWY driving - sell and buy a petrol / hybrid or EV car.
I have a 2016 with 200,000 Km and gives me no trouble, I usually cycle through 2 sets of DPF flashing lights to get to 5000 km before I chance the oil - and I reset the trip computer ever time I change oil so I know when Trip A gets to 5000. Good luck