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    Poole, Dorset
  • Subaru Model
    Blobeye WRX

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  1. Yesterday I was driving along just pulling up to a set of lights behind some traffic when an ear-piercingly loud phone rang (not mine) and an automated voice says "incoming call". A man is then on the other end and says hello, I say hello back but he can't hear me. About 4 months ago my girlfriend was sat in the car and told me she heard the same ringing and automated voice, I thought she was going mad Luckily I had my dash camera on when this happened so I can share with you all. Now, I do have a pioneer head unit with bluetooth hand free but it isnt connected, it sounds nothing like this 'call' did, and I have no idea who the man was, I have the Blackvue dash cam obviously but I'm very sure I wasn't called through it. My only conclusion is that the car has a tracking device set up in it that must also have the ability to receive calls from the tracking company. The guy I bought the car from over a year ago did tell me that he got a tracker installed in it, and I have the certificate and user guide, but it says nothing about them (RAC Trackstar) being able to call whoever is driving. Is my car alive..? Here's the video, excuse my very confused voice Anyone recognise and can tell me what the system is? Thanks. http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx202/RobCollins92/th_20150731_173602_NF_zps0eovvntj.mp4
  2. All finished, wired up and working fine, thanks a lot for your help and speedy replies mate :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Yeah looks the same, looks like you're using the bottom right fuse 20amp which says "(DEICER)" on the diagram, would that be the rear screen heater? Either way if it's a perm live, great, just means I need to go back to halfords to get a 20amp fuse breakout rather than the 15 I just bought haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Thanks for the quick reply, I guess the airbag ones would be a perm live, but best avoiding them? I can see a couple of random fuses sort of behind the main unit, ones a 10 amp the other a 20 but no idea what they're for Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Thanks mate, that's a good idea, I've gone and got a mini blade fuse with a breakout wire from halfrauds for the minute along with some cable, but can't see a spare live in the fuse box or on the diagram, is it hidden behind or something? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Hi all, haven't posted in a long time, been enjoying the car too much ;) I have a Blackvue dash cam front and rear set up on my blobeye WRX, and it has a parking mode feature to catch any b*stards that might decide to give my scooby a jealous love tap when I'm not driving it. But for the parking mode to work, obviously the camera needs a constant power supply rather than the cigarette lighter I'm currently using which switches off when the key is out. So basically where is the best place for me to tap into a constant live feed? Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Rob Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Forgot to thank Stotty for reminding me to take off my show plates as I was queuing up to leave the show.. That could have been interesting ;) haha, cheers mate Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Mines the standard blobeye WRX second from right. It was good to meet everyone and put names and faces to forum names :) now the mods need to start on mine ready for the next show :P Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. What time is everyone aiming to be at the show for? And are people cleaning their scoobys when on stand? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. What time is everyone aiming to be at the show for? And are people cleaning their scoobys when on stand? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. The M1 is an option for me Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Anyone coming from the south? Feel like I'm the only one haha.. I'm coming from Bournemouth Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. As above, where are we meeting and what time? :)
  14. Pretty annoyed about this too, like Gambit I've got a full car coming and I'm not paying for their tickets. What are other jap car forums saying about it? Surely Japfest will have been bombarded with complaints Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Thanks guys, the rep STi spoiler might be worth going for then, interesting that the genuine STi spoiler still fits the WRX bootlid though, really don't wanna go drilling holes in it, but if it's fine with just using the WRX fixings then could be worth doing that too if one comes up. Some new 18s could be an idea actually if a nice set comes around I noticed the fog covers aren't cheap, and I hadn't thought about how easy they could be to get pinched, that sucks :( Had a look/ listen to a few vids on YouTube and I'm liking the sound of a Milltek system, not too loud but a nice distinctive Scooby sound. But not set on it yet so will check out others including the WR Sport back box, cheers. Thanks, Gambit, will check out that breaker I have heard that dump valves can cause running problems, but I've also heard that if they're fitted along with getting the car re-mapped then it'll run fine.. ? Thanks mate, I thought the same about the blue being common, but It does catch your eye and does look good. I was after an ice blue one that came up on eBay a while back for a really good price and not surprisingly it sold within minutes haha. Don't see too many in that colour and I think they look awesome. Like I said won't be starting any mods for quite a while (need to pay the car off for a start) but will be sure to make a project thread when the tinkering starts :) Thanks all :)
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