Gents, thanks for these thorough replies.
I have my heart set on one and will be going ahead baring any glaring reasons not to. I'm not adverse to a firm-ish ride just can't stand the OTT 'crash bang wallop' of the civic. I cringe every time i go near a pot-hole.
I am in zero doubt the dynamics of the car will be great, i wasn't really comparing it to my Saab in that respect. The Saab is like driving a boat i'm just fond of it (for unknown reason really, bit different perhaps).
So basically, its a good idea to get a Type UK PPP 330 or get a suitable remap done ASAP.
Jay - When you say Type UK STI's, I assume it possible to get a Type UK STI without PPP (300)? In which case they wouldn't have a PPP certificate? So how would i confirm they are Type UK? Sorry if i'm mis-understanding something here.
Pete - A decrease in interior quality is perfectly acceptable to me given what the STI delivers mechanically.