It'll be louder but it ain't too loud. I'm running full decat no silencers from turbo to back box and it's fine. And it will probably fail emissions unless you're lucky lol. I've heard of some that don't. You jus gotta have a friendly mot guy lol.
So far so good mate. Handle fantastic n as you can c gets it nice and low. Still gt about 120mm of thread left on rear and about 40 on front still left.
Quick update on my car for ya all. It's now sitting nicely n low on shiny new coilover after my old ones decided to **** them selves and then snap a spring.
Went well. Not gt oil pressure hooked up yet but the boost gauge is working all looks smart and works. Not sure how to upload a photo from my phone to on here to show ya tho. If ya tell me how to post pic from my phone I'll post one
Right the gauges have arrived n today is day of fitting hopefully. I'm installing them in a pillar pod. How long does the pipe need to be for the boost gauge? It's a mechanical one. Cheers.
Get ya. Gonna go separate as gettin pillar pod with 2 holes. Poss gonna look into one to do oil pressure and temp. Where is best to get one at good price??