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    Subaru Impreza Turbo 1999

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  1. Are you a 100% it's the head gasket? I was told mine was gone too in my Turbo 2000 and found out it was radiator and thermostat. If you haven't already done so get a sniff test done and see it for yourself!! My Turbo 2000 was also a pain in the !Removed! to bleed but if you get a proper garage to look at it they will do it quickly. Just a suggestion but feel for you if it's the HG. All the best.
  2. Hi guys. Well we made it to Monte Carlo. On our return journey now, the Stelvio Pass was a bit of a struggle and unfortunately my travel buddy in the GT turbo didn't make it back and car is being towed back to England now so every one is in the Scoob. My dump valve got stuck and some smoke was coming out of bonnet at high altitude but a bit of WD40 and he was back again. Our FB page link is here if you want to follow and see our shenanigans https://m.facebook.com/hashtagganter Should have pictures and funny videos for you to flick through if you like the page. Cheers Ash
  3. Will give you all a proper update shortly but we've made it on to the boat a little later than expected but on our way. Not head gasket like the cheeky !Removed! at one garage said so took him to SVA imports and they were amazing!! Basically a bugger to bleed. However....Temp gauge is almost on cold now on motorway, so from one extreme to another. Anybody had problems with this before? Could be dodgy thermostat? Cheers for all your help and advice guys!!
  4. Cheers Dave I will do it on the drive then, it has a good slope which should help. With regards to the other problems I'd had previously the dump valve was actually sticking so by taking it off and cleaning it up it now moves freely and made a massive difference. The other thing that I think caused the hesitation was the shoddy air filter the previous owner had put on, big Bodge job with a cone filter. So I replaced with the original from a salvage yard £30 and worked a treat. I'm just so gutted that after all this hard work (cambelt, brakes, radiator, oil change, filters, etc) and the fact it's never sounded or pulled as smoothly as it has done over the past week, that it's now stuck in a garage with them saying the head gasket has gone. Going to ask for a sniffer test and try and bleed the system on my own, it worked fine last time just took ages. I will keep you all posted tomorrow!! Fingers crossed please guys.
  5. Would bleeding it on a hill be ok? As don't have a ramp or anything. Have a drive way that is on a slope too???
  6. Cheers for the chat earlier. Going to try bleeding it again in the morning. Will ask garage to do a sniff test first and see what the outcome is. Thanks for the link to the other thread, anybody know the outcome? Did his car survive?
  7. What was the outcome of this? As I've got exactly the same problems :( Meant to be going on Monte Carlo or Bust rally tomorrow and not looking good.
  8. Cheers Gambit, have you got a telephone number I could call you on? Just be good to chat to somebody about it - [email protected].
  9. Hi guys, help/advice required urgently. Was meant to be going on the Monte Carlo or Bust Rally tomorrow but had the shittest day ever today. We've recently changed radiator, cambelt, air filter, oil and brakes. So thought we were all good to go, he's never run so well until this morning. Hose came off radiator and the engine, fixed back on and filled up with coolant but it won't bleed itself and keeps overheating and bubbling. Garage is saying head gasket but I'm not sure, no other signs of head gasket problem. It was a pain to bleed the system last time and don't know whether it's just that again. Not really sure what my question is apart from querying if the garage is trying to take advantage of the symptoms. Any advice/help would be appreciated. Meant to be on a boat tomorrow at 12pm, I'm gutted.
  10. Thanks guys, the replies are much appreciated. Ever since I purchased the car a few months ago I've put the best petrol in, Ultimate BP or Shell V-Power. Should I try the normal petrol? (Another quick question after watching 5th Gear, they added Redex to help clean the engine on an old car - good idea or bad idea for the Subaru engine?) I will have a look at the dump valve, it makes a whooshing noise but not very loud. When I bought the car the guy said it used to be a lot louder, so it could be this. I will report back.
  11. Hey, thanks for the quick reply. Ever since I purchased the car I've used the most expensive petrol, Ultimate BP or Shell V-Power, should I try the normal petrol? The stickers are just for the rally (I can see why people have them put on professionally...might be a few bubbles in them, oh well looks fine from a distance).
  12. Hello again. I have a Subaru Turbo 2000 - 1999 Reg. Had some great advice on here before so back for some more.... So I come to my next problem....I've noticed that when I go into 3rd, 4th or 5th and give it the beans it seems to hesitate through the rev range (dull patches), it doesn't seem like the clutch is slipping as it's only gradual and clutch feels fine. I was thinking that maybe it's getting the wrong fuel mixture or there's too much air getting into the mixture?? It has a K&N filter and dump valve so was wondering whether they could be the culprits and need a change of filter? Anybody else had these problems?
  13. Hi guys, thought I'd give you an update of how things are going pre-rally. Most important thing is the Subaru rally stickers are on, which as we all know adds about 5bhp....ish. So I've thrown myself into this head first over the past month, I've now replaced a cambelt, radiator, battery and brakes all around....all under the supervision of a qualified mechanic I hasten to add. I only did it to put my mind at rest so we will make it to Monte Carlo and back. Thoroughly enjoyed learning all about cars and now I finally know how an engine and all the bits work!! So I come to my next problem....I've noticed that when I go into 3rd, 4th or 5th and give it the beans it seems to hesitate through the rev range, it doesn't seem like the clutch is slipping as it's only gradual and clutch feels fine. I was thinking that maybe it's getting the wrong fuel mixture or there's too much air getting into the mixture?? It has a K&N filter and dump valve so was wondering whether they could be the culprits and need a change of filter? Anybody else had these problems? Thanks in advance. As soon as I get on to my laptop and not on the phone I will post some pictures of the car. So happy after putting the stickers on, sad I know. Care? Not really haha.
  14. Cheers guys much appreciated. I've found some gearboxs for around £200-250 but guess it's the labour that will almost double that. I think I will run it until the rally in June and if it gets unbearable I will then change it. Any other damage it is likely to cause? I will be sure to post pics up of the trip! For a quick update Subaru rally stickers, rally overalls and rally caps have been purchased...all the essential things first. Any advice on whether to use the decat pipe that came with the car? This might make you laugh but recently been on a lads trip to Poland and met a Russian girl who had done the Moscow to Monte Carlo rally....she did it in a Ferrari F40, oh how the other half live, it wouldn't have been so embarrassing if I hadn't banged on for about 15 mins about my 15 year old Scooby. She may have Top Trumped me but does her father have a carbon fibre bonnet scoop on his Ferrari...NO, NO HE !Removed! DOESNT HAHA. Thanks once again and I'll keep you posted.
  15. Hi everyone, my friends and I are doing the Monte Carlo or Bust rally during the summer (2400 miles), we are using it as an opportunity to own cars we couldn't afford to insure when we were 17. Two have them have bought a Renault 5 GT Turbo and I have recently purchased a 1999 Impreza Turbo 2.0 AWD. For it's age it's in pretty good nick paint work bubbling on arches as expected but has full service history and done 140K. For £800 didn't think I could go wrong, the 4th gear is slightly temperamental when under heavy load but does go in, albeit with a crunch. I'm guessing that is the synchro that has gone which eventually will need a new gearbox. Is that correct? I've read a few bits online that replacing the oil can help reduce the wear, could anybody advise what kind of oil? I have also been given the decat part of the exhaust, should I put it on or will it not make much of a difference? Any bits I should look out for when doing long drives in it? Any advice would be brilliant. Cheers, Ash
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