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  1. Cheers mate great to know! Sent from me to you
  2. Depending how my new job goes I might keep my Mazda 6 and get a project wrx as a weekend toy! Sent from me to you
  3. Awesome! :-) Sent from me to you
  4. Ah do the turbo doesn't necessarily mean wrx or sti then! Thanks. Been looking round and think I should be able to get a decent one. I can always put in elbow grease to make it a minter. Sent from me to you
  5. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/131172580220?nav=SEARCH If it was closer to payday I would sooo buy this car as a project and take loads of photos as I improve it!! Sent from me to you
  6. Any members near me? Will have a look and see what's around! What's difference between wrx and sti on a gen1? Sent from me to you
  7. Ouch!! Just shows how good those roll cages are though and seats must grip them tight! Sent from me to you
  8. Cheers guys, startling to find my way around now! Thanks for links, should keep me busy! Budget is about 1500 at moment. Don't mind doing work although never tried using a welder so rust would need finding someone to do it for me. Why aren't sports fun cars? Too low powered? Not tunable? Sent from me to you
  9. Hi guys, first off to the mods if this is in wrong section then apologies and please move it. Now then, I've owned a few 2.0 engined cars over years and circumstances now let me look for a more fun than economical car. I fancy an early model impreza and looking at a 2.0 sport. Might be tempted to go for a wrx (2.0 turbo are they?) if I can talk my wife into it! What should I look for other than rust and history if possible? Also is there anyone near Shrewsbury to show me around an impreza and what's what on a boxer engine? Thanks for any and all help. Sent from me to you
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