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    Impreza wrx

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  1. It won't be the actual packs as I've eliminated them, my misfires were cylinder 1&2 so changed the spark plugs and moved 1&2 coil packs with 3&4 cleared the codes went for another drive and still misfire 1&2, I've checked all the wires for any damage I can't see any signs of it, I might have to take it on a rr see if anything can be seen failing, get them to check the map of the car make sure there's nothing playing up in that area
  2. Ok so changed my spark plugs and moved my coil packs from 1&2 to 3&4 still have the misfire when boost comes in P0301 & p0302 I don't know what else to check, lifted the tmic off checked all hoses and connections to make sure I'm not leaking boost
  3. Think I'd like a set aswell :) anyone ever had the wrong plugs in the box? The NGK box said pfr7b but the actual plugs inside were something like frb6e or something like that so still haven't actually finished haha just got the correct plugs
  4. All sorted I was being a fool, it was my 10mm spark plug socket I needed
  5. I'm being a complete idiot and can't remove the plugs, I've got the coil packs off I just can't for the life of me get any of my spark plug sockets on the plugs, and before anyone says use the new plug to get the size I can't eurocar parts gave me the wrong plugs pfr6e I need b and wanted pfr7b, anyhow what size socket am I needing? Again sorry for being a complete c**k I just want to get the original plugs out so tomorrow can just sort it ASAP
  6. Codes have been reset, no maf codes, I'll take the intercooler off after it's cooled down abit to see if the y pipe looks bad, I'm finding it strange and frustrating, the amount of smoke and fuel I'm using is crazy yet when the maf was unplugged it got nearly double the miles and ran fine no smoke or missing
  7. At idle I have about 18.6 vacuum, 5.7psi intake 0.3 fuel flow this is at 760rpm using torque pro
  8. I serviced it myself as soon as I got a new maf, as I said without the maf connected it ran fine, boosted fine the only problem was eml with maf codes, I don't understand why it sounds like I have a boost leak with maf connected but no problems without, I assumed the black smoke would be over fueling due to dodgy maf but still doing it on the new maf
  9. I'm assuming there's plenty of space for a ratchet to fit? And thanks again I'll check the earth straps when changing the plugs and check for arcing marks and just general condition overall of the coil packs themselves
  10. Seperate and cheers :)
  11. Fair enough, I know this is stupid but which cylinders are 1,2,3,4? Cheers hopefully all sorted soon
  12. What would be the easiest way to check if the coil packs are faulty? I'll be changing the plugs the weekend hopefully, I haven't had a proper look but are they awkward? It looks like I'll need to remove the airbox and possibly the battery and maybe the washer fluid bottle?
  13. I can't remember the codes as I've cleared them again but it said misfire cylinder 1 and then misfire cylinder 2, it's a genuine maf, I thought the original could have been beggared from excessive oiled performance panel filter so I've got a cosworth one for the new maf
  14. Hi guys been a while since I've been active sorry, anyway a few months ago the car developed a misfire in cylinder 1&2, someone said try driving maf-less I did this and she drive perfect again, so I assumed maf at fault, I ordered a new one and decided I'll give her a service (filters and fluids) put the new maf on and again the misfires are back :@ same cylinders, when the car hits boost if feels like it holds back and bounces around (a rocking sort of feeling) and it the pumps out black smoke as trying to push through (think black smoke) and also sounds like a boost leak when at this point but I've checked for any oily residue from the "leak" any help or opinions are welcome
  15. Pinson-89

    53 blobeye wrx :)

    Just afew pics, hopefully it'll be with me for a long time with very little hassle
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