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  1. Hi Pete. I'm lucky enough to have my scooby as a second car as my everyday car is a company car so my scooby only gets used at weekends and will be going on track too so I don't mind having semi slick tyres fitted as I don't need to use it as an everyday car. I will have a look at the link as I've heard the federal rsr tyre is a good all rounder. Thanks again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Yeah toyo's or yoko's or federal rsr etc. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Anyone??? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Hi. What are the best sized wheels to run on a classic scooby for trackdays? I currently have the facelift 17's on but debating wether 16's would be better but i'm about to fit some newage 4 pot calipers also. Will 16's clear the calipers ok? Anybody selling any trackday tyres at all? Thanks.
  5. Thanks for the pic. It will be a good help. I'm just hoping and praying that I have spotted it in time and I haven't cooked the heat gaskets or worse. Fingers crossed. I didn't have any bubbles in the expansion bottle when I had topped it all up which I hope is a good sign. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I'm pretty sure some muppet in the past has put radweld in it too. Inside the header tank is all brown crap on the sides. Looking a little further just it seems to be dripping just to the left of what I think is the thermostat housing. I will get the cover to the water pump off tomorrow night hopefully and hopefully I haven't driven it much in the current state before noticing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Hi All. I think i may have a leaking water pump. (thats if where i think it is, is right). I have recently purchased the car so not really used it much as its a second car. Anyway, the other day after a short run i noticed that the radiator fans seemed to be staying on a little longer than expected, so tonight i went out to the car to check the coolant levels. On inspection, i removed the expansion cap (plastic yellow one to the right) and this had no visible signs of water. I then removed the header tank cap (metal cap, left hand side) and that also was very low. I could see water just at the bottom of the tank. I topped up the header tank and also the expansion bottle and drove to the shop. When i got back i left it for a bit to cool and then went back out to check the levels. The expansion bottle was empty and header tank also very low again. I set about attempting to clear any air locks by topping up the header tank to the brim whilst cold and then warming car up with cap off etc. I didnt get that far. Everytime i topped up the header tank the water would lower with a glug. I then noticed a trickle of water running from underneath the car. After getting on the floor it looks like water is running down from behind the black cambelt cover then dripping onto the manifold and onto the ground. At this point i can only assume its coming from behind the black plastic cover because i couldnt get under the car far enough to see if this was definitely the case but its defo coming from this area. So I also assume that the water pump is also behind the black plastic cambelt cover, hence the title. Any help on this guys would be great. Are my assumptions correct etc?
  8. Hi. Just wanted to bring this thread alive again. Just to confirm......The header tank (the one with the radiator type cap), when cold should have how much water in? The expansion bottle (to left of engine bay with markers on) should be half way between the markers when cold and reading full when hot??? Is this right??? I have just brought a scooby myself so i will be checking levels when i get in tonight. I have asked because the radiator fans seem to be on more than they are off so i'm suspecting i need a top up. Thanks. Darren
  9. Thanks Pete. Very much appreciated. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Thanks again savage. Mines running 1.1 bar at full whack. Is this ecu easy to remap again as It has a hesitation spot occasionally and apparently the previous owner had put bigger injectors in after the original map so it will probably need doing again. Also it supposed to be around 320 horses. Does this sound about right with this turbo and ecu with supporting mods eg the front mount Hks intercooler etc. I have also read that it's recommended that the coil packs are changed to the newage type. Is this also right? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Another quick question or 2. What is standard boost on a classic wrx? Mine is supposed to have a z4 ecu. What are they and how do I tell. Also it's supposed to have a td05 hybrid turbo. Again is there any way of knowing? Thanks again guys. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Haha. And then there were 2. Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Hi tlag. I will be checking the expansion bottle in the next half an hour. I take it the subaru 4 pots from a later model fit straight on? Are these easy come by or did you fit different 4 pots? On my old track car (fiat coupe) it came with Brembo 4 pots as standard so I just changed the fluid to 5.1 and changed the pads to ds2500's and the brakes were fine. Do you have any ideas where the sump baffle plates can be brought from? Thanks for all comments so far everyone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Ok great. Thanks again savage. Very much appreciated. I will check again tonight when I get in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. And that leads me to another question too. Whilst looking under the bonnet tonight I noticed that there is a coolant topup tank thing to the right of the engine bay that then runs across the front to the left hand coolant tank. My question would be how the hell can you tell if it needs water/coolant or not? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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