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CastAway Guy

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  1. Yeah the HKS BOV. Everytime I find a HKS BOV they don't have a flange, my car currently has a flange bov fitted but want to change to a HKS BOV. So just wondering if I bought a HKS BOV without a flange can I buy a flange to fit to it to make it fit my car ? Thanks
  2. I'm looking at buying this http://s1269.photobucket.com/user/snips19/media/P7280217_zpsc05042ca.jpg.html Just wondering if I bought a flange for it, would it go straight onto my 04 blob eye ? Thanks
  3. Got a link ? I'm after anything that either looks funny or yes I'm after ones saying subaru too
  4. I'm looking to buy a private plate, I've tried looking on elite registrations, DVLA, and car reg, not found much I like. Anywhere else I can check ? Maybe I'm searching for the wrong words, so if anyone has found any funny or cool plates can you link them ? Maximum price I'm looking to spend is about £1500 Thanks
  5. Are there any type of flaps that don't require drilling ? Even if it means the extra ££
  6. Also how do I find this Salsa thread ? Thank again
  7. http://www.scoobyworld.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=199_353_356&products_id=2635 Don't know if I'm allowed to post links but I was thinking of them ? Don't suppose you know if they will pretty much just clip on or do I need to start drilling ? I understand about the reversing and parking etc, will be careful thanks for the tip. I don't mind paying £100+ as long as they are decent tbh and easy to fit Thanks
  8. Drill holes ^^ damn auto correct
  9. I want to get some mud flaps, I have heard from afew people that they cause more problems then there worth, also need to still holes etc ? Does anyone have any sort of experience with mud flaps, good or bad ? Thanks
  10. Spoke to a friend he said no it won't fit, thanks though, will keep looking and hopefully find one :)
  11. I have no idea, I have a 04 wrx blobeye. I'll ask a friend and see if he knows if it will fit
  12. Looking at getting the standard BOV that bolts onto the inter cooler ? Read afew topics saying don't get a after market BOV, mine came with a baileys and I don't like it, I'm changing it no matter what, I would just like to see if the standard does make all that much difference as I haven't actually driven with the standard onit Thanks
  13. So when casually driving, try to keep the rpm at about 2k ? 1.5 seems low and I can only assume it's making the engine work harder then it actually needs too ? Also try to keep rpm below 3k because this is when the boost is kicking in ? Thanks
  14. Most people might think this is abit stupid but I am curious, the gear ratios are completely different to my previous car which I had for over 7 years. My question is, at what rpm do you change your gears when driving casually ? My second question is when cruising at about 30mph in a 30 zone ( call me sad but I don't want to kill a child ) what gear are you in ? I am unsure if I should be in 3rd or 4th. I don't want to over use 3rd but at the same time I don't want to put pressure on the engine by sitting in 4th with revs as low as 1.5k. When in 3rd and 30mph I'm at 2k rpm when I switch to 4th at 30mph I'm at 1.5k rpm Thanks
  15. When I press there profile it says hasn't been online for atleast 10days. Maybe there not coming back :-(
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