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  • Subaru Model
    2000 Legacy 2.0gl

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  1. would a 4 wheel alignment be ok
  2. geo'd is that subaru only or can any garage do it buddy
  3. what if i moved bolt slightly erlier when i removed nut would i be able to score a line on hub arm so when its put back into new shock arms it lines up
  4. still none the wiser lmao
  5. any tips apretiated
  6. Ok i loosened front nuts on lower hub/strut but i didnt finish strut change because i thought i read somewere about marking something but couldnt remember were it was so could anyone clarify what i should mark for alignment thanks
  7. Fella in motor factors told me earlier always do furthest from servo 1st he said he always did when he was a mechanic
  8. So its ns rear, os rear, ns front and is front
  9. So rear left, rear right then is it front left then front right?
  10. I'm needing to replace both front calipers, while I have never done it before I'm confident I can but I'm just wondering because car has ABS do I need to bleed whole system and if so is there specific sequence or can I just bleed front 2 brakes
  11. Worked that way on BMW, rover 75 and astra mk4 lol
  12. I'm planning on changing full suspension and have the shocks/springs all assembled ready to go on and I've done it on other cars but am just curious once bottom bolts are undone can hub be knocked off lower strut while its still connected at top and once free just undo top nuts and slide it out?
  13. ok so its the crash protection i was going to cut a curve into, im glad i asked, maybe i should find a different exhaust lol
  14. ok i got new exhaust system on from manifold back, but backbox pipe sits low and there is no note like i had before with rotten pipe so i fitted jap universal exhaust wich wouldnt fit up properly into recess because metal plate behind bumper and had a lovely note but way way to loud so my question is would it be safe to cut some of the metal so it sits up a bit better and any way to quiten it down a little
  15. So flange wouldn't fit?
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