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    Legacy twin turbo 2.0

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  1. Which hose is it on that euro parts link? Cheers
  2. I would but I live in spain, and all the garages here are !Removed! !! Ive looked on ebay but there saying 2 or 3 weeks delivery !
  3. The hose I mean :)
  4. Or if anyone has one I can transfer money to you via paypal for a 1st class delivery, Cheers
  5. No it keeps overheating, obviously as soon as it does i turn the engine off and let it cool down, fill up the water and bring it home! Im tried connecting it and going for a drive and it didn't prevent the car from overheating!!
  6. Anyone Know wether I should reconnect them like in the second picture?
  7. Just found these 2 unconnected !! What do I do? Many thanks Jamie
  8. Believe it or not my legacy is still at the mechanics yard! Its a never ending nightmare and the labour cost just keeps going up, i have no idea wether he is a crook or my car is genuinely cursed, I will copy and paste some of his messages so please somebody give me some solid advice as I'm so fed up with it all and have literally no idea wether to pay him for all the costs or take him to court for lying! Cut a long story short he told me that the originally head gaskets that went caused so much damage to the engine id have to buy a whole new engine which i did ( 1500euros ) that was 5 MONTHS ago! 1 MONTH ago he told me it is the wrong engine so he would make it work out of parts from both the old and new engine 1 WEEK ago he said he succeeded in this and its running! 2 DAYS ago he said he took it for a test drive and the head gaskets blew up!! He said they were the wrong ones he put in so he would pay for the correct reinforced heads as it was his mistake. This AFTERNOON he received the new reinforced supposedly correct heads and fitted them...only to now tell me that actually they aren't right and he cannot guarantee they won't blow up after a few days!! WHAT DO I DO? Pleease somebody help !!
  9. Well I'm waiting on a call from the mechanic this afternoon, I will get a list of what he says and put it up on here instantly with his proposed charge. See what you think... Thanks
  10. It did overheat badly unfortunately! I would hate to just chuck as i just paid 2,000euros for it here in Spain, with Spanish plates and it is immaculate !
  11. My Head Gasket Blew on my subaru 1997 legacy 2.0 twin turbo, but I'm being told by mechanic, its join got cost nearly £2,000 needing new engine as pistons gone, crank something gone, bores gone, pistons gone, cam belt... and the list goes on.... What do I do ?
  12. Head gasket already went about 4 years ago, so heads already been skimmed by previous owner, i have only owned it for few weeks and its gone on me because radiator pipe had a split in it which caused the engine to overheat. My questions to you guys is roughly how much should i be paying for new head gasket and bolts, for head to be skinned ( if it needs it ) and how long would it take an experienced mechanic so he can't rip me off.. Many Thanks SOC Members. Jamie
  13. Thanks for the advice, yes not the best, what makes the situation worse is that i just bought it yesterday!! Just checked under the hood and can't see any loose hoses, or leaks, nor blue smoke!
  14. Subaru Legacy 2,0 twin turbo 1997 Was driving back from football training today and was just about to hit the second turbo but it bogged down, and the check engine sign came on, now the second turbo doesn't work at all !! Any Ideas anyone?
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