Hey guys, just thought I would say hello! Looking forward to learning all sorts of stuff and meeting some nice people.
I currently own a 54 plate grey (looks silver if I'm honest) subaru blob WRX. I've just recently got it back from the body shop because some funny guy reversed into it.
I'm after some advice and was wondering if anyone could be of any help. Being a petrolhead, I want more power... I mean who doesn't!! Current mods are, Forge BOV, uprated panel filter and part decat exhaust.
I'm really looking at getting it remapped, but I would like to do the following before. Uprate the fuel pump to walbro 255 and possibly change to a cone filter. I'm also looking into a STI turbo, but I've read mixed reviews saying "they are a straight swap" and "no you need to uprate X, Y and Z"
Thankyou for everyone's time and look forward to chatting to some people!
All the best