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    tamworth/ birmgingham
  • Subaru Model
    impreza wrx bug eye

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  1. I will let you know lol
  2. Thanks for all replies....I have sorted it now, all tensioners have been changed along with water pump n thermostat....when it's not tensioned it all lines up as soon as I pull the pin it slightly of set so I flicked the key all good!! Just to let you know Mr b I'm not a home mechanic, I am a tech n a engineer in my field....just never played with the jap toys always been friends with De Germanz :) .....the Scooby has been a pleasure to work on so nice and easy to remove stuff....my next job is the clutch... just getting prepared for a De cat and custom remap, it's meant to be my daily lol
  3. hI all I have done the timing belt today on my wrx 52 plate, I timed it all up all the markings matched....pulled the pin and rotated a couple of times...but the pullys on drivers side markings seem to be slightly off set and I mean the 2 marks facing each other, they are more or less lined up just off a tad.. is this normal?
  4. My wrx when cold goes to 1800rpm then drop to 500rpm
  5. Evening all I have had the Scooby a week now and have a few under line problems. So here goes Dry wheel bearing any decent makes recommended? 2 port boost controller, where can I purchase 1 if ebay any usual sellers? Also when I turn left a bit hard feels like the left wheel is dragging anything common tracking maybe? Also the other nite I had the management light flash but didn't store a code?? I am planing to do the work the week end along with a timing belt kit and water pump. Getting it ready for a remap, I may chuck a clutch in too. It's a bug eye wrx 52 plate When I viewed it test drove it not 1 issue and I am very anal with this stuff.
  6. if it has a intercooler then you know its not a sports :)
  7. lol, I thought it worked well when you get board :D ..
  8. oh rite ok.
  9. who is it?
  10. I would rather let the guys in there field deal with it, rather then having ago tbh. my moto pay cheap pay twice
  11. apparently the ecu on my model isn't locked so no need for the license?, I don't understand how come no 1 has developed a way round this locked ecu problem, going by the VAG world all ecu's have some kind of coding just finding a way round it
  12. No its a bug eye
  13. I am happy to do all the work my self but mapping is a different story and if Duncan is good then happy days.
  14. Happy days so I am on the right path...just been out in the Scooby and seems I may have a underline issue...just took it to around 110mph on my private road and engine management light flashed a few times so I backed off pulled up and it stoped flashing and completely went off....I have a vt diagnostic reader plumbed in don't know how good it is...but I just tried to read for a fault code and there isn't 1 stored! It drove back fine but didn't go any were near 100. Any ideas ?
  15. this may be the guy not 100% sure, but if he is a midlands guy then must be the tuner and maps the cars for kamikaze
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