After reading Tlag's write up about his project I think the single turbo option is the way to go, I have had nothing but trouble with my twin setup since the day I picked up the car. I had got the car running fine which lasted about a week then drove me nut's again with the code 66 Aagh it does my head in. What I found most interesting with the project write up was the fact that it did not need a complete loom change just 4 wires on the ecu plug, which 4 i'm not sure about but I will find out (I HOPE). Having got the V1 Impreza now and worked on it for a bit, I'm finding it so much simpler to get on with there is even a bit of room under the bonnet (not on the Leggy though). So for the new year I will be converting to a single turbo Leggy. Have sorted the oil leak on my V1 now, after the so called bottom end rebuild it was supposed to have had last year(I very much doubt) I discovered the front crankshaft and camshaft oil seals just about knackered, all been replaced with new timing belt and she is sweet as a nut. Something finally works as it should Whoop Whoop.