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About Banks

  • Birthday 11/11/1985

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  • Subaru Model
    Wrx300 prodrive 2005

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  1. Guy will this fit and is this the stage 1 u talk about http://www.japspeed.co.uk/exedy-subaru-impreza-new-age-wrx-05-07-stage-1-organic-clutch.html
  2. Not really sure yet as I've only done short runs init I've only had the car two weeks but on parkers they say 25 I think
  3. Thanks guys Ok so I had a guy that skimmed a head for me he can do the skimming on the fly wheel now I just need to find the clutch I have a 5 speed gearbox and the car is a 2005 any ideas I looked but all seem to be for before 2004
  4. Thanks guys I was looking at the exedy clutches one wit a lightend flywheel I want to get the car up to about 300 hp it's currently 265 because its a pro drive I've looked and looked but can't seem to work out what one I need any help or a link or the best place to buy from
  5. That's great Ty but really need to know what clutch I should buy my friends a mechanic so should be fine I myself have done head gaskets on marine engines gearboxes so I'm hoping between us we will be ok many thanks
  6. Hey I have a wrx300 on an 05 plate clutch has never been done before so I wanna get in done can any one recommend a good clutch not much but not to cheap Ive been told by a friend about upgrading the clutch and the mass flywheel any help would be great or a link to the item I'm hoping to do with my friend so don't want to mess around to much Many thanks
  7. Thanks might have to take you up on that
  8. No info anywhere about the clutch
  9. I simply just go to change into first and some times it grinds sometimes it dosent Also dose in 4th sometimes
  10. Thanks for the reply Not sure I will look at service history and see wat I can find
  11. Hey guys and girls I'm new to this forum and to owning a scooby I have a wrx 300 prodrive Couple of things to ask for advice on if any of you could help 1.when taking foot of the power I can her a wining noise I would put this down to the diff is it normal or should I get in there and change oil front and back quickly 2.when coming off the power again I notice slight movement on the gear stick normal ? 3.when u are stationary and you go to select first gear if u don't push the clutch down all the way it grinds a little into first also clutch pedal very stiff Any help on these would be much appreciated Im looking forward to having a good car and maybe in the future do some bits to her but first want to get car a1 thanks everyone
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