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    subaru impreza estate

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  1. well these next couple of months (ish) and it will take on a new look!
  2. i was at first gonna get the whole car wrapped for £1500 but a friend mentioned the red and black theme from images on google and after seeing some of the pics on there it would be money wasted. as for the wheels im spraying the original ones black when i spray the bonnet because the car itself is old and the bodywork is full of marks from where knobeads have keyed it so its not gonna have £££ spent on it. (mainly due to me wanting a newer model next year).
  3. im thinking of having the rally decals but in black :)
  4. yeah hopefully look something similar to it, bonnet and wheels are going black and adding some gold graphics.
  5. heres my wagon as it is at the mo..........
  6. cheers guys, should hopefully have one on in the next month then spraying the alloys until i get some nicer ones.
  7. Can anyone tell if i can just take the bonnet from a 98 impreza turbo and stick it on my 98 impreza sport/wagon? Hearing loads of people telling me not to bother to much hassle etc etc. im trying to just add a bit to it with limited cash, just simple bits really.
  8. alright guys just thought id update you on the belt noise, tightened it up and took it out for a test drive and annoyingly after 10 mins down the road that squeel came back!! arrrrgh!! so i got a friend of mine to have a look. We changed the discs and pads even though there was still some life left in them both and it was while doing that that the problem was solved, the pads on the driver side fell to bits when took them out the caliper! literally! I was feeling better that the noise had gone but now got other problems with the "engine check" light on the dashboard. not a happy bunny!
  9. Excellent cheers guys. is that just a case of tightening it up or should i get a replacement belt also?
  10. hi all im not sure if this is the right sort of topic to go in general chat but being a newbie im not sure! Driving along the motorway recently i heard a squeeling noise coming from the front of the car, as soon as i turned right it squeeled (like a brake disc noise) but when the wheels are centered it stoppped. Its slowly driving me crazy has anybody had this problem before. I drive a 1998 impreza estate (non-turbo) many thanks
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