Hi All, I'm Andrew from Newcastle. I have just introduced myself over in the newbies section. Bought my first impreza, a '94 Import WRX Wagon a month ago. The car is generally very tidy and has been looked after, with no major rust or any severe mechanical problems. The car isnt using any oil or coolant. Anyway down to the boost problem. Here's a link to a video I recently uploaded to YouTube.
The problem gets worse when the car is under heavy load and I have experienced fuel cut once or twice. Also if I lightly feather the throttle, the boost stays high and the car is like a rocket, however if I am heavy footed the boost drops low and the car feels like a diesel truck! I am completely new to subaru and turbo ownership, however I would say I was fairly competent at some home mechanic-ing (replaced engines etc). If I could rattle the brains of you more experienced owners at diagnosing the problem, I may be able to have ago at fixing it myself! Anyway thanks for any replies in advance! Cheers swanie999 P.S Sorry about the shania twain and shaking in the video!