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    Hawkeye WRX

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  1. Hi all, I have one of the above for sale :-) Open to offers. If you are interested, please let me know... Steve.
  2. Hi all :-) Having just got a Hwkeye WRX, I am in need of some new floor mats (the current ones are correct for the WRX (not universal) and have 'WRX' in blue on them (see photo of driver's mat which has two wear holes in it). Can anyone recommend anywhere that does some good - and correctly fitting - floor mats that won't cost the earth? Thanks loads :-) Steve.
  3. Hi guys, In the end, I decided to go with what I have used before and get a Pipercross replacement panel filter. It worked well on my last car, so hopefully it will be as good on this one too :-) Thanks for all the comments :-) Steve.
  4. That's a good point. The guy who is going to do the service recommends JR filters (which I must admit I have never heard of). They are about the same price as Pipercross which are about £5 cheaper than K&N. It is a bit of a mine field to me! Any suggestions as to which will give the best airflow in without a loss of filtration? Steve.
  5. How about: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181145102163?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT or http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/391066038738?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Any good?
  6. Thanks for that :-) Yes I had a Pipercross in my last car, so know that they are a solid performer. Is there a 'best place' to buy these kinda things for Scoobies?
  7. Hi all :-) I am now the proud owner of a Hawkeye WRX (photo attached) :-) It will be going for a service next week. But ahead of this, I want to get an uprated air filter - rather than paying for a STD one that will need replacing - that will improve breathing and last longer. So, I have two questions: 1) Which air filter (that will be a direct replacement for the STD item) is best. 2) Where is the cheapest place to buy it. Thanks loads for your time and advice guys :-) Steve.
  8. Hi Mat, I like the figures :-) Where did you have it mapped?
  9. Thanks guys :-) Though it is good for less power, to keep costs down and because the spool up is good, I'd like to keep the TD04 :-) I have had a look at Andy's site, he reckons a stage 1 will give between 260-280 BHP (a chunk less than my current car which I am selling), but then the running costs will be lots lower too :-) Andy is about 180 miles from me :-( Do you (or does anyone) know of any dealers closer to Peterhead in Scotland? Thanks again for the replies :-) Steve.
  10. Hi again :-) Thank you for the welcome :-) Yes, I did get a discount (about £1,000 less than they are going for actually!) Is the engine not very strong then? Or is the turbo the problem? Many thanks, Steve.
  11. Thanks guys - lots of useful info there :-) Much appreciated :-)
  12. Thanks for the reply :-) Well, the back box has been replaced. I do not believe that it is a direct Subaru replacement. Other than that, the car is standard. If I went through money supermarket, is an insurer likely to cause hassle if the rear box is non-standard. After all, I have had a few cars in the past where I needed to get the back box replaced and went to Halfords which technically means I had a non-standard back box! Steve.
  13. Hi all, I am soon to be the proud owner of a Hawkeye WRX :-) I have two questions: 1) It will be due for a service when I get it, so please can anyone recommend any good Scooby garages in Aberdeenshire (I live in Peterhead) to get the service done? 2) I plan to keep it standard for the first year (though the back box has already been upgraded), but after this I am thinking of just an uprated fuel pump, air filter and a remap. Am I likely to see 300BHP with the above? Any good, reliable tuners near(ish) to where I live who do this kind of work? Thanks loads for the hints, tips and help :-) Steve.
  14. Hi all :-) This is my first post on this site :-) I have a Hawkeye WRX waiting once I have sold my current car and have a few questions. The big one right now is where is the best place to get good quality insurance at a reasonable price? I don't see the point in getting the cheapest insurance I can and then find if I have to claim, I have to jump through hoops. Equally, I don't want to pay more than I have to. Any suggestions? Many thanks, Steve.
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