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  1. No, I wanted 18's anyway as per my post but I bought some
  2. I can't get Dashcommand to communicate with my dongle, tried everything? It does work with another free OBD ap I downloaded just to try though
  3. This is the dongle I bought, I'll play with the apps and buy it properly when dongle is here and I know it works :) Is it better to connect on Bluetooth or wireless? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/361104126795?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  4. Thanks, bought a dongle just now but from a UK seller, for the price of a Beer it's nothing to really worry about but nice to know its easy to swop if it doesn't work etc. I downloaded Dashcommand as Matt posted the pics above, it's free anyway but if there's a better app I can download that, no issues buying the app either
  5. Ive downloaded 'Dashcommand' but can someone tell me what module to buy for Android please
  6. Thanks, just got my wheels back as I had the refurbished :)
  7. Thanks, its a pretty good car. Couple of bits to sort but thats half the fun
  8. Here you go, came on standard wheels and I bought the speedlines on the weekend
  9. Thanks but I bought one last Sunday
  10. Thanks mate but they aren't my style anyway.
  11. Why, what wheels do you have
  12. I dont really want to swop anything, I'd rather buy so I can fit my mint standard wheels back on whenever the time comes to sell but if it were a good deal I'd consider it
  14. Yep and I have owned a CAT C before but with no proof of why it was a CAT C, and a very similar price to a non categorised car it's simply not worth it, especially if you ever need to claim again and they pay much less because of the Cat C
  15. For anyone else looking, after deciding to look into this one a bit more, get insurance quote and HPI it, it came back as a CAT C so beware if interested. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111666086416?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
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