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  • Location:
    England West Sussex
  • Subaru Model
    forester turbo S

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  1. Nope but I could properly find somebody who does I'm pretty sure uv got an arch roller laying around work somewhere that I could borrow if not it got a mate who does and I thought they might rub to might have to space them out a tad for clearance
  2. Ok guys before I start I don't want to go stupid low where the diffs are scrapping on the floor , before anyone things in crazy ha ... Can anyone shed some light on what wheel setups you can and can't get away with on these foresters mines 51 plate turbo s , I was looking at some 17's 9.5j et 40-45 and maybe 215-45-17 tires something I'd get away with ? Will get coilovers with Pillowball and camber adjust top mounts ?
  3. Yep I'll sure true watch this space !
  4. Now to order that kit and make it fit ha
  5. haha noooooooooo ! well there goes my google searching out the window then :L haha stants your the man now ... no pressure haha
  6. hate bringing an old thread up but I'm just looking into buying a system for my 51 plate forester turbo s ( UK ) did anyone find any answers as to what fits and what doesn't ?
  7. hahaha newbie kicking but already i sense trouble ahead haha did yours go a different way around the diff then too ? and cheers nice one
  8. yer ill attempt to fit it at work on one of the ramps and see what modifications we need to do hopefully not to much .. as long as it does not rub or bang against anything then ill be happy haha nothing worse ! just for a bit of fun really , i feel the need to release that sound of the flat four ! some pictures would be greeeeaatt !
  9. and if i wanted to add a open air filter apexi etc just as i have a funnel cone one laying around how can i go about this ?
  10. ha hello thank you ! So will something like this work out ok then ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/93-06-SUBARU-IMPREZA-WRX-GD-GG-S-STEEL-EXHAUST-SYSTEM-EX8001-/310202194138?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item48397dd8da and yer thats fine i can get one of the boys at work to relocate the hangers and possibly somehow add a couple of inches to the back box not a problem , nah its only a run about just want it to sound a bit better thats all nothing to serious a buddy recommended this ebay special ha , but he reckons it performs alright and everything went together smoothly :)
  11. ok newbie here ! good afternoon everyone ! i have two questions putting them into one post to save time CAR : subaru forrester 2.0 turbo S YEAR : 51 Exhaust : I would like to get a full system on it turbo back not worried about having a decat i have hurd that some of the older ones fit some are a bit short and some need the hangers moving .. its for 51 Plate ... Air filter : I would like to get something like an apexi air filter open cone style don't worry ill make sure its only sucking up cold air no one like heat soak ! ha as I'm quite new to this subaru i haven't seen any kits that have an extender for the MAF sensor .. can anyone shed any light apon this ? thanks ben
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