I have a boxer diesel Impreza, purchased as an ex-demo from the dealer. It was registered Jan 2010 and has done less than 50000 miles. I've had no problems until this year and I love driving it. This year I've had a couple of minor, could have happened to anyone issues; a faulty fuel filter fitted at a service and then a problem with a seized brake calliper. Last Wed, I noticed a knocking sound, which was worse when the clutch was pressed down but was there all the time. It got worse during my 40 mile commute home, so I took it into the garage the following morning. They felt it was likely to be a gearbox or flywheel problem. However, after replacing both the problem is still there and they now feel it is a problem with the engine; likely to be bearings in the head gasket.
I am gutted; this is going to cost a fortune and it could be even worse, so me and my Impreza are going to have to part.
My question is this; is it common that boxer diesel Imprezas that have done less than average mileage and are only 5 years old, commonly have such a major fault? Or have I just been very, very unlucky?
Sorry to say that I won't be replacing with a Subaru.