1, sounds like the common shock issue
I've seen the pictures/videos for fixing this, do you think any garage would be able to do this easily? I've not got the skills or space to do it myself
2, the clacking noise could be one of many things, possibly drive train movement, they are a bit slack, maybe investagate the various bushes,
Should I ask a Subaru specialist place to have a look, or could any garage?
3, at what speed and revs does this sound occurr? The injectors are noisy and do tap away plus the engine is know to be a bit noisy, unless it's horrible knocking sound it should be ok, has the car been mapped for UK fuel yet ?
It's at low revs/speed as you accelerate hard, it could well be the engine. It's not a huge issue. I don't know if the car was mapped for UK fuel, I've just been running super unleaded as Torque GT recommended.
4, Is it the factory sub in the side of boot ? An aftermarket head unit will have pre outs for a sub to be wired in so you should be able to keep it
Okay, I think I'd need some radio specialist place to have a look, if I ever go that route (am using radio transmitter at the moment to play music from my phone).
5, the ariel is usually the bigger back cable with a 3.5mm jack on the end
The band expander I have looks a bit like this: http://i01.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/115387571/FM_Band_expander_Radio_Converter_18_MHz.jpg - it's where should the red cable be soldered/tapped into that I need to figure out. I haven't taken the existing radio out yet though (not had time with new baby!).
6, I guess the car has been sat on the boat for a while so it may just need driving more, or some more grease on the back of the pads
Torque GT replaced a couple of the pads but said the other 2 were OK instead of Good, so I suspect they might be getting old. The car brakes well though, I was just wondering if the squeal was some sort of "pads are wearing out" indicator?
7, it's probably got some fluff in or general grime, you should be able to take the b pillar trim of to get at the reel and give it a bit of a clean
@peejay may have the answer, I'll look into this stuff.
8, not sure about the steering, mines imported too but it doesn't feel that light, what pressure are you running in the tyres ?
Actually I haven't checked the tyres yet! They're Toyo Proxies. I plan to have a look soon though. @scoobystu78 reply (which I can't see now but was emailed to me) said the STi has a more sensitive rack, it might just be that.
9, I've sat in newage sti's and didn't notice the seats to be small they do grip you tightly though, may be worth seeing if any impreza owners would measure the base dimensions?
Yeah, be interesting to know. I was just curious, that's all! Hopefully I'll get some time to take a look at things soon...