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About lotsofmon3y1

  • Birthday 01/09/1990

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  • Subaru Model
    subaru impreza

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  1. After Td05 top entry turbo, classic bonnet hinges, yellow injectors with adaptors for v2, esl ecu for v2
  2. Yes mate its been a long stressful 3 months I'm not sure if I'd like to tackle something so big again lol has been an adventure and it's memories il always have
  3. Thanks scooby ghost it was just over 3 months start to finish still have a little more to do to her in the year
  4. Still got a few bits to finish off on her but the majority of the work is complete will do a final photo and upload it
  5. Here's a start to finish slideshow of the restoration and respray enjoy like and share
  6. Sorry guys it's been a long time been very busy here's a slideshow of start to finish of the restoration and respray enjoy like and share
  7. Cheers mate got the roof in colour and lacquer today rest of the shell to do tomorrow
  8. These are the last of the photos I have at the moment mote to come as the project is coming to a close end on the paint job very exciting now
  9. Project nearly completed will try upload more pics asap sorry not had time to post anything
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