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Everything posted by Ryan85

  1. Sound need to get my recirc uprated be a better investment than cone I'm thinking Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  2. At min I got panel n both cats gone n turbo definitely whistles lol just don't want that silly dump valve noise I used to get from cone in rs megane Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  3. Yh think I'll leave it on my old rs megane used to get bov noise from filter wi out bov n got annoying but if I understand correctly the impreza won't be like that wi a cone Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  4. Ok I no they do hoses but noticed they do induction kit for 08+ I'll c how I feel probably stick wi my airbox n panel cheers tho Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  5. And if I was to go down cone route are mishimoto any good first jap car I've owned so not heard of them
  6. Tbh honest always found cone overpriced for wat u get I no on my rs megane the cone was better option due to airbox been restrictive as f**k but yh gathered it's a heated debate lol
  7. Sound thort I'd ask question was considering full induction kit but read a lot that std airbox better till u run high power
  8. On all threads bout air filters I c everyone saying knn or green panel filters are pipercross any good? Or do u need cotton gauze type ones?
  9. Yh had mine mapped for BP 97 cos got same problem with no shell but I always use 97 never use owt else cos means traveling n plugs mite be worth a look I'll c wat grade they need to be Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  10. Yh scooby clinic is way I'm going I'll get it booked in Monday n c how it goes Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  11. Hahaha sadly at work but guna ring em Monday n get her booked in for piece of mind Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  12. Yh makes sense gunna give scooby clinic a ring n get it booked in for a checkover cheers for all advice Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  13. I'll look into a health check n there's someone called freak tune who maps using cobb so it's not generic map it's my car specific cos u av to send him ur file so he can play round with it bit like Justin on mps forums Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  14. N his mps is standard dyno'do at 236bhp
  15. No refund possible gunna go cobb v3 I reckon but gunna look up how it works with remap already done mite av to get a reset for money spent on it its equal the my brothers 3 mps or mazdaspeed 3 depending where ya from
  16. Scooby clinic is looking like an option maybe getting cobb but not sure how cobb v3 wud work with car already been mapped
  17. Scooby clinic is looking like an option maybe getting cobb but not sure how cobb v3 wud work with car already been mapped
  18. Weird question but I can't find any numbers on my cats are they on the hear shield or on the cat itself
  19. Cheers ghost n forgot to mention torque is bout 311 lb ft dint get why so much more torque than power after map n they race impreza n specialise in mapping them so thort I'd be gd using them
  20. Get wat u mean with afr nar n no dint c it n yes both cats av been removed also forgot to say earlier run on 97 octane cos shell n testing to far from me
  21. Don't no wat afr is lol n full turbo back exhaust n panel filter
  22. I'll av to av a look into that m8 mite av to be ecu tek route
  23. No he did the give no indication of holding or bleeding off n at min it's round 250 mark was looking for 270 280ish power wise and as for oil I took it as him talking **** to be honest
  24. A place called the Sheffield rolling road.
  25. Hi new to forum did a quick search **** findex owt so thort I'd ask. I recently had my 2008 wrx hatch remapped and the mapper told me he cudnt get the turbo to boost he sed he wanted 1.7 but only got 1.2 so not as much power as I wud av liked he told me it's cos it's on fully synthetic n I shud use semi synthetic oil seems strange to me tho any ideas? Also car has turbo back exhaust n piper cross panel filter
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